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Herbo Natural Fertilex Capsules 100% Natural Buy In Pakistan

Herbo Natural Fertilex Capsules In Pakistan is a comprehensively formulated product with 100% natural herbs. Improves Sperm Count Sperm count refers to the total amount of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. While not the only critical parameter relative to male fertility, higher numbers bode well for conception. The average sperm count today is between 20 and 40 million per milliliter in the Western world. Improves Sperm Motility Sperm motility is the ability of sperm to move properly towards an egg.

Sperm that do not properly ‘swim’, will not reach the egg in order to fertilize it. Several components positively impact motility. Fertilex improves pregnancy rates in male patients with reduced motility in combination therapy. Improves Sperm Morphology Sperm morphology is a way of describing the shape of sperm as observed under a microscope.

Herbo Natural Fertilex Capsules 100% Natural

There is quite a variation in sperm shape, and a sperm sample is considered normal if at least 4% of the sperm observed have ‘normal’ morphology. Morphology is a predictor of success in fertilizing oocytes during in vitro fertilization. Promotes Overall Sperm Integrity and Reduces DNA Fragmentation Damage to DNA in sperm is an indicator for reduced fertility potential and is more common in men over the age of 45. Fertile decreases DNA fragmentation and protects against lipid and DNA oxidation.

Herbo Natural Fertilex Capsules In Pakistan Benefits:

  • Eliminate the bacteria that cause Gonorrhea.
  • Specific medicine for low sperm count.
  • Grumose the semen.
  • Increases the sperm count, sperm quality, and motility.
  • Increases the ejaculation time.
  • Strengthens and support sperms creation.
  • Highly effective to cure pre-mature ejaculation.
  • Enhance sperm health, boosting male fertility.
  • Its use retains energy and youthfulness.


Take 1 capsule, twice a day in an empty stomach with milk or as advised by the physician.


Acacia nilotica, Asparagus racemosus, Asteracantha longifolia, Cantaurea behen, Chlorophytum borivilianum, Curculigo orchioides, Ficus benghalensis, Mimosa pudica, Mucuna pruriens, Panax ginseng, Trapa bispinosa, Tribulus terrestris.


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